Code of Ethics and Practice


This code are guidelines for all homeopaths practicing in Ghana.
Its purpose is to establish and maintain standards of practice of Homeopathy by encouraging integrity and responsibility in the practice of homeopathy. It involves having regard for the needs of patients/clients seeking homeopathic treatment, the reputation and advancement of homeopathy and the development of understanding among homeopaths.

It is important for the health and growth of our profession that we honor our teachers, our history and our traditions. It is also important that we attend to our own health and well- being as well as our continued growth and professional development.

Responsibility to Patients/Clients
1 The highest standards are to be observed in the conduct and care of the patient/client.

2 All patients/clients are to be treated with respect, dignity and freedom from prejudice.

3 The homeopath owes loyalty to his/her patient and should have regard for his/her wishes.

4 The homeopath shall encourage their patients/clients to take increasing responsibility for their own healing and learning as and where appropriate.

5 The homeopath shall be required to disclose his/her identity and that of other persons including students, trainees and ancillary workers who may handle clients.

6 The homeopath shall inform/educate clients of relevant policies and regulations in his/her facility.

7 The homeopath shall maintain safe and hygienic environment in order to promote good health.

8 The homeopath shall inform/educate all clients fully of their conditions, management, as well as procedures involved in the treatment, which he/she intends to administer, and the possible risks involved, except in emergency situations when the client is unable to decide and the need for treatment is urgent

9 The homeopath shall be required to attend to clients below 16 years of age only when accompanied by responsible person(s) except in an emergency or when treatment is urgent.

10 The homeopath shall accept a patient’s decision to seek a second medical opinion if he/she so desires. Such clients shall not be intimidated or threatened in any way.


11 The homeopath shall keep full records of each patient. All records shall be kept in a secure locked and confidential space at all times, access being restricted to the homeopath and his/her assistants. All records shall be kept for a minimum of seven years.

12 The homeopath shall not communicate in any form the contents of the patient/client case records or any information obtained within the practitioner/patient relationship, except as follows:
(a) in response to a valid court order
(b) in an emergency or other dangerous situations where, in the opinion of the homeopath, the information may assist in the prevention of possible injury to the patient or to another person. Disclosure may be required where
there is reasonable suspicion of child or elder abuse
there is a reasonable suspicion that the patient presents a danger to him or herself or to others.
(c) where the patient has consented in writing to the nature and extent of the disclosure.

13 Written consent must be obtained from the patient in order to consult with another colleague, i.e. health care practitioner or homeopath (in a general rather than a specific capacity).

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